As many of you are aware we had a site visit on Wednesday from Joanne Morrison, Managing Director, Vistry Homes (formally known as Bovis). Below is her email report and action plan. There are several things we have queried (and have done for many months) and these include:
Woodland: Our report has, by and large, been ignored and we don't accept that Bovis has left the woodland in the condition it should have been in on hand over. Apparently the woodlands were handed over to the Management Company some time ago and we are querying when this was and if the Management Company accepted responsibility when it wasn't in a manageable condition. Much work needs to be done in coppicing, dead tree removal, fencing repairs etc. and this will become a huge expense for residents if not sorted now.
The fencing at the top of South woods, on Brookhouse Lane, has not been repaired or replaced and still remains open in parts for fly tipping. This has not been resolved and we have asked about future action on this.
Drains / Road: As you can see from the email below, works starts on the 1st of July. The intention is to resurface strips and not the whole road. We have informed Bovis that this is not acceptable because of the 'look' but also that it will have weak spots across the joins. We believe that it should be completely resurfaced so that it is left in the best condition possible. To this end we have written to Fiona Bruce, MP, and to the Highways Agency.
Acco drains in private drives: We have asked for clarification on this as we can't give permission if on private drives. However, we think Joanne Morrison is talking about the drains on the courtyard entrances. The intention is to remove the acco drains which are not fit for purpose and replace them with a concrete gully. We need your opinion on the replacement of these.
Residents meeting: We have asked Ashlea White to organise a residents meeting before the start of the road works and have suggested either Tuesday the 23rd or Thursday the 25th June. This will be in Zoom. When confirmed you will get an invitation (you will need to make sure that you have the Zoom App installed on a suitable device). We intend to invite Councillor Rob Morton, Councillor Kay Wesley and Fiona Bruce, MP.
We have written this morning to Fiona Bruce to fully update her and this will be copied to the relevant Councillors, along with Joanne Morrisons email. We are also creating an online petition to ask for the issues to be discussed in the House of Commons. Usually this has to be done with signatures but Fiona Bruce has said that, at this difficult time, she will ask that an electronic one be accepted as long as we can vouch that residents themselves have agreed to sign. We will be in touch when this is available.
Please contact us with your thoughts.
Joanne Morrisons email: 4th June 2020
Hi all
As you will know I visited the site today and firstly I was stunned with the difference on the site from a maintenance point of view from the last time I was there. I could really see a big change and the estate is a lovely peaceful place to live. Just so that the Steering Committee are aware I have copied in a couple of Bovis people to this email to action the points we discussed to day within it.
Tree Works
– The tree works in our report were carried out by our contractor last week. Ashlea, I am now handing this over to you and if you need anything else on this then please let me know.
A lady has contacted me about some further works to the TPO tree at the front and whilst I was on site 2 other residents contacted me about the trees at the back of them. Ashlea – can you let me know when your tree guy is going out as if not soon I might get Matt to pop out to the concerned resident. Perhaps we can have chat about the organisation of this?
– All of the drains on the private drive have been jetted last week. Ashlea, I am now handing these over to the Management Company for further maintenance if needs be. In particular the drain behind the apartments at the back next to the bank will need regular jetting. I found out today whilst I had my Head of Technical with me that the French drain behind the timber fence drains into this drain and so this drain will get clogged up if it is not jetted. This is turn will cause the French drain not to work correctly and then there will be standing water in the area.
He suggested a regular jetting be set up for this.
Acco drains on private drives
– We looked at these today with our contractor and also spoke to some residents. To be honest if we replace the acco drain the same thing is going to happen and this is going to be an ongoing maintenance issue for the management company. We are happy to replace the acco drains on the private drives with a concrete gully instead which will do the same job and require less maintenance. If you can confirm whether you are happy with this, I will go ahead and get this instructed.
Please note some of the acco drains will remain in adopted areas as these need to be provided as part of the adopted works.
Adoptable Sewers and Headwall
– We met with Paul Cunningham from UU today who has now reviewed the CCTV for the estate as I reported at the last meeting. Paul is broadly happy with the sewers but there are some defects works that need to be done and the headwall does also need to be installed. Our Contractors have agreed to start these works from 1st July for a 10 -12 week programme. Access will be provided at all times and they will work on one side of the road at a time. They will start from the top of the estate and work down to the bottom.
The works will involve cutting round the manholes and pulling them out to carry out some works in the sewers – this is predominately to the manhole itself but does on occasion involve some works to the sewer itself. Once the works have been carried out to the manhole, a temporary patch of tarmac will be placed round the manhole.
The provision of the acco drains and the bits in Roger’s report will be picked up at the same time.
Once all manholes are done then our contractor will be re-doing some of the surface to the estate roads. The HRA surfacing or which is the surfacing on the corners with chippings in will be replaced in full. On the SMR or normal tarmac parts a patch will be done which they assure me will look neat with a tar seal.
Once this is done we will hopefully obtain UU’s approval and the sewers can be adopted and the road can go from maintenance to full adoption.
Area at the top of the hill – We then walked the area at the top of the hill. I have asked my Area Build Director to get some people together with a skip and clear this area of the herrace fencing. Where necessary this will then be replace with a post and rail fencing. I will then ask our landscaper to strim a mown path through the area following the ad hoc path which has been created and we will place some signage up stating that this is The Bath Vale Residents Association nature reserve to try to discourage any improper use.
Can you let me have your thoughts around this as I do think it would finish this area off nicely.
Woodland walk at the back of the estate
– I attach a photo of this area, but I am afraid I could not see a path through where a dog poo bin could be placed (Picture 1 below) – also my team immediately said that anywhere into the woodland would be difficult to empty from a dog poo bin point of view. They suggested placing this on the private drive just at the entrance to the woodland (3rd Picture below).