Bath Vale Factoid 2
2020 Accounts Surplus
2020 Accounts in December 2020 there was a £11,400 surplus this was reduced to £6500 in January 2021 with no explanation for the missing £4900.
Bath Vale Factoid 3
2020 Accounts Surplus
The Woodland will be handed over too the management company AFP, and will be incomplete and the costs levied on to Bath Vale residents.
Bath Vale Factoid 4
All the new agents below, have stated they would not be prepared to take over while the Woodland Plan is not complete, there advice is do not appoint any directors until the woodland is completed.
Bath Vale Factoid 5
Court Lighting
The Electricity tariff for the courts is not on a domestic rate and the cost are spiraling the cost for 2 x 45 watt will be over £700 on 1st October the management company were offered a fixed deal to 2024 and did not act upon it.
Tender Documents have been set to the following Managing Agents.
3 Agent came back with better proposals than our current agents.
The steering group has been constantly thwarted in any attempt to change management company.
Premier Estates
Realty Management
Oakland Estates